ZU GAST BEI FREUNDEN – Luisa Ricar (Switzerland, 2017) 24’21’’

Burkina Faso refugee Rachid tries to hide in Brigitte’s flat in the outskirts of Zurich. Thought to have found her true calling, she decides to accommodate him. Even though the unequal power relation leads to tension between Rachid, Brigitte and her ex- husband, she suggests marrying him and giving him the chance to stay legally in Switzerland with her. Surprisingly, her offer gets rejected due to Rachids own plans and her new life-task collapse.



Luisa Ricar


2016 ZONA ROSA (4‘24‘‘, Director, Screenplay, Producer, Music video) 2016 ZU GAST BEI FREUNDEN ( 23‘, Screenplay & Director, Short, Fiction) 2015 MUSCULAR LOVE (4’45’’, Screenplay & Director, Music video)

2015 AMOK LAUFEN (16‘, Screenplay & Director, Short, Fiction)

2014 PÄRKLI JAM (1’, Screenplay & Director)

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