BOXGIRLS – Jamie Murciego (Spain, 2016) 19’41”

Director: Jamie Murciego; Writer: Jamie Murciego; Producer: Jamie Murciego


Life is not easy in a place like Kariobangi (Nairobi), and it is even worse for girls and women condition. Poverty, crime, drugs, rape and other violations that the female boxers of Boxgirls try to avoid through physical and mostly mental skills that boxing gives to them. “Strong girls, safe communities” is their slogan.




Jaime Murciego is a multi-purpose creative designer and filmmaker, specialized in motion graphics.
He was born in the north of Spain in 1985, and he is currently based in Madrid.
After passing his bachelor in Audiovisual Communication, he undertook a postgrade in Multimedia and Graphic Design. He started working as a motion graphics designer but he never stopped developing his others skills in video filming and postproduction. He spent 5 years working in-house for different TV and advertising companies such as Atresmedia TV, Redpenguin or Zeppelin TV . Finally in 2014 he started working independently as a freelancer filmmaker and graphic designer.



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