THE BATHTUB – Tim Ellrich (Austria, 2015) 12’55”

Director: Tim Ellrich; Writer: Tim Ellrich, Dominik Huber;  Producer: Tim Ellrich, Dominik Huber, Leopold Pape;  Key Cast: Simon Jaritz, Rainer Wöss, Stefan Pohl




One Bathtub – Three Brothers – Many Splashes! Three brothers try to dive back into their childhood through an old family picture in the bathtub.




Tim Ellrich is a young german filmmaker, who is currently studying „Fiction Directing“ at the „Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg“ in Ludwigsburg. Since his childhood, he was fascinated by movies and started early to work in a cinema in his hometown. After some traineeships at professional film productions, he began to produce his own films and moved to Vienna, where he studied „Theatre-, Film- and Mediascience”. He passed with distinction and applied afterwards at the „Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg“. In his films Ellrich tries to deal with the absurdities of the daily life. His films were represented on more than 70 film festivals around the world.



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