THE BRICK HOUSE – Eliane Esther Bots (Netherlands, 2016) 15′

Berlinale 2017: Forum Expanded – World Premiere, Cinema du Reel 2017, European Competition, Go Short 2017, International Competition VideoEX 2017




Two friends, Sapa and Hija, re-enact and re-tell short anecdotes of their lives. Coming from another country to The Netherlands, there is a quest for belonging and the (im)possibility to completely feel at home and relate to the world outside the apartment.
The starting point of this film was an encounter with Sapa, who chose his friend Hija as his interlocutor in the process of making this film. Extensive interviews with Sapa and Hija, acting exercises and spending the Sundays together, resulted in this short film.





Eliane Esther Bots (1986, The Netherlands) graduated University of the Arts (HKU, Utrecht, The Netherlands) in 2008. She studied one year Slavic languages (Russian) and cultures at the University of Amsterdam to improve the possibilities to work as a filmmaker in Eastern-Europe and Russia. She participated in the post-graduate program ‘Document and contemporary art’ at École Européenne Supérieure de l’image (EESI) in France in 2012. In 2016 she graduated cum laude the Master of Film at the Netherlands Film Acadamey.
Her films have been screened at national and international festivals such as ‘International short film festival Oberhausen ’ (DE), ‘Go Short’, Nijmegen (NL), ‘International short film festival Curta Cinema’, Rio de Janeiro (BR), Flatpack Film festival, Birmingham (UK), Kassel Dokfest (DE). In 2013 she won the BNG Bank Workspace price, a competition for experimental film of Filmhuis The Hague (NL) for the production of the film-installation ‘The Visionary’. The installation has been exhibited throughout The Netherlands.



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