BEST FILM, BEST Cinematography & BEST Actor
In the dead of night, a drunken man just crashed his car. Yet there is light on his path… as well as a few souls, just as lost as he is. Fate is about to offer him his last chance. Will he be able to seize it ?

François ZAÏDI is a director, producer and post specialist, born in Clermont-Ferrand, France, in 1977.
His passion with pictures began very early, and he takes his first argentic pictures when he’s 10. Motion pictures begins to grow as his deepest interest, and he discovers editing in a video workshop shortly after (The ol’ time of s-vhs and Hi8).
He creates a video workshop in high school, and will shoot several documentaries and a short.
Once graduated, he begins to work professionally in Clermont-Ferrand – as an assistant editor, then as an editor – embracing the upcoming online editing technologies.
In 2000, he works at a local tv network where he begins directing live events and talk shows.
He then works for Disneyland Paris as a camera director and junior producer for 3 years.
In 2005, he chooses to go freelance and directs shows and concerts, sports for TV and producing DVDs.
In 2013, he creates his own company, Gigowatt Film, to go back to his first love : fiction.
The film is a dark comedy where is embedded themes of mythology and religion, but above all alcohol. It is a dirty, gritty, larger than life take on our own mortality. You might even laugh!