A MAN FALLS FROM THE SKY – Kurt Platvoet, Jan Verdijk (Netherlands, 2017) 8’45”

Ton and Ineke Korrel enjoy their warm afternoon soup when a man crashes down from the sky, in their garden. Ton sees a dangerous species lying in his garden, Ineke wants to help. The situation escalates. The couple will soon find out who their other half really is. Hopefully before it’s too late.





Born in Amsterdam, Kurt graduated from the Utrecht School of Arts in 2014 with A Journey Far Away. Working on short films, videoclips and his first long film.

Jan Verdijk (1987) graduated at the Utrecht School of the Arts in 2012 as a director/screenwriter. His graduation film ‘Encore’ got selected for the student competition at the Dutch Film Festival the same year. After graduation he worked as a assistant director on several film sets, but for the last years, he focusses completely on directing and writing his own (short) movies.



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